Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Weekend Outings

Krys and I have been doing a lot more family outings now that we have Matthew. The other weekend we went out with Grandpa Jerry and Caroline and I mentioned that we were going to Rock and Ribs at the Gallavan center in SLC. Caroline asked me how we found out about things like that to do. Here's a list of tips for finding fun weekend outings in your area:

1. Pay Attention
. Once I started paying attention, I was amazed at how many ads there are on local stations for local attractions. That's how I found out about Rock and Ribs.

2. Watch the News. The news often has segments on things that are happening and will often give tips on when to go and how to get discounts or freebies. News websites like ksl.com will often have a section just for local happenings. Which brings me to number 3.

3. Check Websites for Cities in Your Area. Municipal websites have great information for local attractions and events. Check out the tourism website for cities in your area. More often than not, you'll be surprised by what you can find down the road.

4. Read the Newspaper. In most newspapers, there's a community calendar. It's a good place to find inexpensive and free events.

5. Go to the Library. I go to the library with Matthew really often. I usually find something interesting posted on the community board.

6. Keep it Simple. This is especially true if you have kids. When we took them down to SLC, they enjoyed riding Frontrunner more than just about everything else. Just taking a type of transportation that they weren't used to, made the day that really special.

Here's a list of websites for the Layton/SLC area that I've found useful:


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